Lindsay Lohan rejected the half-decent actors auditioning to play Richard Burton

Before we start in on The Cracken’s latest, you definitely need to go check out THESE PHOTOS at The Mail. Lindsay Lohan has already begun fittings for Liz & Dick, and The Mail does a side-by-side comparison of Elizabeth Taylor’s magnificence next to The Cracken’s busted hooker face. It’s pretty rough.

Anyway, Lifetime’s Liz & Dick begins production in a few weeks (or sooner). And they still don’t have a Dick. That’s right, Richard Burton has not been cast, despite all of our quality casting suggestions, ranging from Eddie Cibrian to Wilmer Valderrama to Charlie Sheen. But Lindsay is still playing the diva, demanding that they need to find her a better Dick.

Lindsay Lohan is extremely unhappy with the casting choices of the male actors who have auditioned for the role of Richard Burton in the Elizabeth Taylor Lifetime biopic, and filming is scheduled to begin in just a few weeks, is exclusively reporting.

As we previously reported, the decision to cast Lohan as the screen icon has drawn criticism from Rosie O’Donnell who recently said, “I feel very sorry for her. I think she needs a lot of time away. … She’s had a lot of trouble doing every single movie, including SNL. She was out and not in rehearsal. I think she’s not in a place to work.”

Choices to play the role of Richard Burton have come down to Gossip Girl star Matthew Settle, Sean Maguire, and CSI hunk Craig Robert Young, but after watching the audition tapes last weekend, “Lindsay declared that none of the actors were the right fit and that she wanted to go to London to look for a possible Burton actor there,” a production insider tells

“Lindsay is being an absolute nightmare about who should play Burton. She believes Matthew Settle is too old to play the role, and she wants a major A-list star to be her co-star. However, her salary for the role took up a major portion of the budget, and the Burton gig will likely only pay $200k, max. The producers don’t need to get Lindsay’s approval of who will play Richard Burton, but they want to keep her happy.”

Making matters worse, is that filming is slated to begin in just a few short weeks, and they are no closer to signing an actor to play Burton.

“They are already in pre-production and it’s very hard to conduct any rehearsals without the pivotal role of Richard Burton,” the source says. “There is also cause for concern because Lindsay partied all night last week with Paris Hilton, Barron Hilton and Brandon Davis. All three, including Lindsay, have been arrested for DUI and/or drug charges previously. Lindsay shouldn’t be out partying all night long, no good can come of that.”

So will Lohan get her wish to jet across the pond to find her ideal Richard Burton? “Hell no!” The source says. “There just isn’t any money in the budget, or time, to do so. The producers will try to land someone that Lindsay likes, but, if push comes to shove, they will just cast the role without her approval.”

[From Radar]

“Matthew Settle, Sean Maguire, and CSI hunk Craig Robert Young”???? OK, I only know one of those dudes, I had to look the other two up. I mostly know Matthew Settle because of Band of Brothers (he was so awesome in that), but he’s on Gossip Girl now. He’s really hot – very sexy, in my opinion, and an underrated actor. So, obviously, he should stay FAR AWAY.

Sean Maguire is the Meet the Spartans guy. He’s a comedic actor for the most part. Which kind of fits, because Liz & Dick will end up being a cracked-out comedy classic. At least this guy is English (although Burton was Welsh, which is not the same difference).

Craig Robert Young is…zzz…. Um, he looks nothing like Richard Burton! WTF?

So, basically, Lindsay is treating this Lifetime project as yet another platform to act like a crackhead diva, and she can’t get it through her crack skull that any actor of any kind of quality wouldn’t want to touch this project with a ten-foot pole.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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123 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan rejected the half-decent actors auditioning to play Richard Burton”

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  1. brin says:

    This is going to be such a fiasco IF it ever gets made.
    *LOL@ “they need to find her a better Dick”!

    • Rhea says:


      • max says:

        Wait a minute. Did I get that right? They already spent most of their budget on her… salary!?


        She has no star power.
        She is desperate for work.
        She is a partying disaster that will hurt their marketing plans.

        The producers are either idiots or just arrived from another galaxy.

    • RocketMerry says:

      “[Lindsay is]demanding that they need to find her a better Dick.”

      Eheh, I too was laughing at that one. I’m such a child! 😀

    • Maguita says:

      And here I thought any wanker would do.

    • ZZZ says:

      Good one! ☻

    • Chatcat says:

      Yes…there seems to be plenty of Dick’s in Hollywood so that shouldn’t be an issue.

      I really can’t believe Lifetime is going to go through with this…just make a honest to goodness movie about a trainwreck! We all have better celeb’s to spend time gossiping about.

    • Maguita says:

      Lindsay refusing Dick? Well, there is a first.

      Hey look out the window, pigs are flying.
      (sorry, last one, I promise).

  2. gee says:

    Spiers! Matthew Settle was HOT AS HELL in Band of Brothers. Lindsay would be lucky to be his costar.

    • Maguita says:

      Matthew was ok, but GG is not really big on showcasing your acting muscles.

      You know how they could make money? And be able to roll the movie with higher financial aid?

      Behind the scenes cameras à la Big Brother, 24/7!

      I would SO watch this day and night. Heck, I would PAY to watch this day and night.

      • Happymom says:

        Oh my god-you are SO right. That would be the most entertaining thing ever-to see her in all her cracked-out delusional, drugged out glory. Get to hear all the behind the scenes conversations between the rest of the cast and the crew about dealing with her-I would pay to see that too.

      • gee says:

        She would be a nightmare on a behind the scenes show. I would die of happiness watching that.

      • Maguita says:

        ^Oh please, I’m begging, cameras following the cast and crew talking behind her back. Please!

      • Cindy says:

        OMG! That would be a train wreck I would not be able to turn away from!!!!!!!!!

        As long as they don’t tell her, just get permission in small print.

      • Lizzie K says:

        Oh HELL yes!!! I have zero interest in seeing her play dress-up as Liz, but I would absolutely be glued to the screen for the reality show backstage!

  3. Rhea says:

    LOL. Maybe she’s waiting for Clooney or Clive Owen… or anyone who could save this movie because I’m not sure her acting could.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      Lifetime (or anyone) could not pay either of those actors any amount of money to be involved in the same project as her. I think we can all agree on that.

  4. mia girl says:

    Since she is such a narcissist, maybe she should just play both roles. Then she can have delusions of winning two Emmys, for best actress AND best actor in a TV movie or miniseries.

  5. Agnes says:

    how does she get to reject or approve anyone? she should take the money, do her job, and keep completely low. crackhead.

    • ZZZ says:

      That’s what I don’t get!

    • Maguita says:

      Because she’s Lindsay f-cking-don’t-you-know-who-I-am Lohan!

      Besides, you are expecting her to act the least bit professional… Which is very unrealistic Agnes. Lindsay would never lose face that way 😉

    • Carolyn says:

      I don’t think she’s picking & choosing at all…I suspect whoever is auditioning is bailing at the prospect of being cast alongside her. It will kill her co-star’s career flat. That’s why they haven’t cast anyone. Stoopid PR saying otherwise. I bet $10 that this project never sees the light of day.

  6. lower-case deb says:

    how much of this story is true and how much is fabricated by the tabs though?

    i’m sure, cracked out though she may be, that she must know that an A-list actor won’t settle for a measly 200k.

  7. HotPockets says:

    It’s a lifetime movie, goodness! I can’t remember half the titles of the lifetime movies I have ever watched or the actors in them.

    I doubt Lohan will ever, ever have a real comeback and I think everyone knows that, including Hollywood, we just all love a train-wreck and watching it destruct.

  8. Bess says:

    It’s nice to see that Lindsay is still pulling all of her diva antics on a made for tv movie.

    If the producers think she’s demanding now, wait until filming actually starts. She’ll be bitching about the size of the trailer, the food, the crew, etc. And that’s assuming she even shows up on time and ready to work.

    • Mia V. says:

      They knew the crackhead mess she is and they still hired Lindsay. Karma is really a bitch. They wanted her, now they have to please her.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Bet they’ll be sending cars & staffers to The Chateau to pick her up on a daily basis! To save money, they should just film it there.

  9. Relli says:

    Matthew Settle is hot! He played well being younger in Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood Poster, although Ashley Judd was a older actress playing young along side him so perhaps that made a difference.

  10. normades says:

    An A-list co-star for a D-list disaster in a TV movie of the week? Riiiight.

  11. marybeth18 says:

    This is a LIFETIME movie- I mean, a LIFETIME movie of the week. Acting opposite Lindsay Lohan. Frankly, she’s lucky that those three actors auditioned.

    She’s still locked in the delusion that she’s an A-list actor, and this is an actual “film.” It isn’t. No actual film actor is going to touch this thing, and no television actor with a high profile will either. Matthew Settle is frankly higher profile than I expected and she should jump for joy that he’s willing to take the part.

  12. Quinn Parker says:

    My middle school production of Brigadoon had better quality costumes…geesh!

  13. nikzilla37 says:

    Why are they making this film??? Liz would roll over in her grave. SMH

    • ahoyhoy says:

      I know. It makes me truly sad. After all the great work Elizabeth did for AIDS awareness, with all the mind-blowing performances she left us, THIS is how she is treated?

      • Maguita says:

        Before she did those great things, Elizabeth was a train wreck for a little time, and I believe Lindsay will be portraying those horrendous years to perfection.

      • Kat says:

        Yeah, seriously. I’m sick of everyone going on about how it’s a disgrace to Liz’s memory to have Lindsay play her because she was such a good, kind person. Christ, read a biography! It is a disgrace, because Liz was so beautiful and so amazing onscreen, but in her early life she was no saint. Peolple don’t know WTF they’re talking about.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Yes, but UNLIKE Blohan, Elizabeth Taylor realised she had problems and made an effort at recovery. She may have been a mess a various times of her life, but she was also a LADY. And Dame Elizabeth’s charitable efforts for HIV/AIDS are without question.

        The only thing The Cracken is possibly doing about HIV/AIDS is spreading it.

      • Lady D says:

        Kat, we don’t have to read biographies here at CB. We have our very own Courtney for info on older stars. I would actually like to hear what Court has to say about ET. I know ET is one of the few actors I remember hearing about as a kid. I don’t think she was making headlines for her acting at the time.
        Cosign with Original B’s “LADY”

    • Rice says:

      I know! Dear God, make it stop!!! I just want to send her a ticket to Montana like John Mayer!

  14. mmmcoffee says:

    every time I see her cracked out face I always think about this D.A.R.E. van that would visit our elementary school. showed what your internal organs would look like if you were an addict or an alcoholic.


    • Tracy says:

      Seriously! I only wanted to say that her face is totally jacked. Oh, and I wanted to ask: why does she always look sooooo dirty?

  15. Talie says:

    Her delusional attitude at this point in her career is hilarious. She’s not getting an A-lister to do this.

  16. Lisa B. says:

    You mean there are guys auditioning to this role knowing they’ll have to kiss and make out with Lindsay Lohan?! Wow.

  17. Jayna says:

    More importantly, she should have rejected herself as Liz Taylor.

  18. Jordan says:

    I don’t know any of these actors, but based on looks and comparing to Burton, Sean Maguire seems the best fit. Lindsay wants a big name because she thinks that reflects upon her. She should concentrate more on knocking her performance out of the park.

  19. Suzy (from Ontario, Canada) says:

    Just like Chris Brown…why do they keep giving these idiots chance after chance? It’s not like there aren’t a zillion more talented young actors waiting to take her place who wouldn’t be late to the set, would know their lines, treat others with respect and oh, yeah…don’t have Dina and Michael…who wants to deal with them?

    Really, what is the reason that Lindsay keeps getting more roles and more chances?

    • Veruca says:

      I think it’s because she’s a wreck, and people enjoy being amused by the mess that is her life.

      I try to look away. Today was an exception. I found the headline amusing.

  20. GiGi says:

    I worked with Craig Robert Young on a movie last year. It will probably never see the light of day so… He should maybe stick to TV?

    He’s British and was fine and worked hard so maybe he’d be right for a Lifetime movie. I wouldn’t call him sexy, though, lol!

  21. Tiffin says:

    If she keeps this behaviour up they’ll end up calling it Liz & No Dick

  22. SirSnarksalot says:

    No actor with any self respect is going to touch that role. Personally, I think they should see if Pauly Shore is available.

    • ahoyhoy says:

      lol, you live up to your name, Sir.

    • Jordan says:

      LOL, I just got a mental picture of Pauly Shore doing the weasel while Lindsay is acting for her LIFE trying to be Elizabeth Taylor.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I vote pauly shore or jersey shore Paulet D. Their orange skin tones would be quite complimentary.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Hi Mort! You have little ones, yes? Watch The Goofy Movie (it’s kind of an older one) – Pauly Shore HILARIOUSLY voices a character in that movie!

        Oh, and have some vodka watermelon balls. It should be very entertaining to read/hear all the stories about what a nightmare Blohan is to work with, and the melon balls are refreshing in this heat! 😉

  23. Macey says:

    I think the family and friends of Liz should get together and get another movie made that would actual honor Liz’s legacy. There are so many actresses out there with actual talent that could make this a great movie. Casting LL in this version is only good for one thing, more tabloid stories.
    Im sure another version of the movie would be an instant hit just b/c it would NOT have LL in it.

  24. littlestar says:

    I’m flabbergasted that anyone would give Lindsay Lohan the final say in casting Richard Burton!!! WTF!!! How are they even allowing that to happen?!
    Everyone, this is the beginning of the
    end for this disaster of a movie!

  25. Neelyo says:

    Poor delusional Lindsay. Still thinks she’s making a Hollywood film and can demand the hottest leading men out there. Welcome to Lifetime TV honey, you’ll be lucky to get Richard Grieco as your co-star.

  26. Sue says:

    Do not recognize Robert Young from CSI, are you sure he was on that show?

  27. Onyx XV says:

    I highly doubt Lindsay has any say whatsoever about the casting of her co-star. Someone in the industry please enlighten me if I am wrong about that. I would imagine that actual A-list stars might contribute their input to the casting choices, but Lindsay? She’s lucky to even get herself cast in this POS Lifetime movie (if it even ever actually gets made, which is unlikely).

  28. GiGi says:

    Craig is campaigning hard for this, lol – he’s put out a “lost BBC interview” with Richard Burton with himself as Burton – it’s on Youtube.

  29. eileen says:

    My GOD this girl always looks rode hard and put away wet. I can’t even begin to imagine what she’s going to look like in 5 years…

    • Lady D says:

      I vote bald, toothless, 4 inches shorter due to dry skin, voicebox in the throat, boobs in the way when she urinates, knees down to her ankles, you know your typical older Hollywood actress.

    • Veruca says:

      Well, if the current trend continues, I expect rigor mortis will have set in by then…

      in other words, it won’t be pretty. Rigor and fillers don’t mix well.

  30. Cathy says:

    LMAO…time to break out the cracktinis. This “film” is nothing but a mess and it’s only gonna get messier with her in it.

  31. hillbilly in the corner says:

    She looking for a actor who will not make her acting look as none existent as it really is…and the only way she is going to find one that will do that is to dig one up from the cemetary……If the guy can act even a little he’s better then her….
    And she has Thompson by the balls because if she doesn’t get her way she will take her sugardaddy’s money he paid to buy the movie for her and go somewhere else…
    This is a Lohan Inc production…

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Hey, hillbilly! *raises cracktini* That’s what I get for not reading the comments before I commented – I said the same thing. (Great minds, and all that.) She wants someone who won’t “outshine” her and her “awesome acting skills.”

      (Now, if it was a beej contest, she’d win, pants down. But when it comes to actually showing up on time and ACTING, well…)

    • Bess says:

      Do you think Vikram is financing this movie?

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Hi Bess! *passes melon balls* I wouldn’t put it past him. If it means Blohan is out of ole Vik’s hair for a bit, especially if his wife is coming to town, I bet he’d do it!

  32. dorothy says:

    The movie company that hired the nut deserve all this drama from Lohan. Everyone else knew this would be a fiasco. Good luck finding a decent actor that wants to be in a project associated with would be career suicide.

  33. sup says:

    i feel sorry for the actor who has to kiss him for the movie. yuck! what a stomach turning thought. once again, thanks for supporting my diet, celebitchy lol

  34. Roma says:

    Umm, obviously she’s just trying to get them to front the bill so she can go and party in London. She loves the London scene but in no way can afford it.

    And if she does go… hide Prince Harry, hide!

    • A-Rod says:

      That was my first thought! Yes! “casting”, my foot! She’d be out partying all night and sleeping or shopping all day! She’s so dumb and predictable!

  35. jwoolman says:

    Wait a minute. They’re letting her veto wardrobe and the other actors?!? This kid who had so little real movie experience? Maybe Lindsay has the delusion that she is actually the real Taylor …. Who is actually producing this thing? Dina Lohan, maybe?

    • deep says:

      I was just thinking that Dina must be producing this project right before I read your post. I think you are on to something…who else would cast LiLo as Liz Taylor. It’s all making sense if Dina is producing this thing.

  36. Jane says:

    I don’t understand why the producers gave her any say about anything in the first place. She is not that popular, not that in demand, so why does she have the power to pick her co-star?

    This story is either made up or the producers are morons.

    • deep says:

      Well, I can’t understand why she was cast to play the part of Liz Taylor. Let alone have a say in who her costar will be. For crying out loud the Linds is fried both inside and out. I’ll be surprised if the movie ever gets made. And, if it does…how could it be any good? Forget casting a Richard, how about getting a decent actress to play Liz. Show some respect.

  37. Boo says:

    I can see the announcement: “Larry the Producer changes title of Lifetime Movie to, simply, ‘Lindsay Does Liz'”–

    Larry will offer his rationale for the sudden shift in focus, saying, “Well, we wanted to zero in on the beauty and poise and elegance that Lindsay captures as Liz Taylor, so we decided to eliminate Dick all together. That way, Lindsay can have his share of the money, and we can cast only her in the film. It will be a one-woman show. Story line? Lindsay doesn’t need a story line. People just want to watch her on screen. It is going to be hot.”

  38. OhMyMy says:

    Which CSI is that guy on? I don’t recognize him.

    I still like the idea of a cardboard cutout playing the role of Dick. Hey, no cost.

  39. the original bellaluna says:

    Blohan doesn’t want anyone to “outshine” her on-screen. Unfortunately for her, a high school drama student would outshine her.

    And seriously, someone at Lifetime needs to tell her to STFU and do her job or she’ll be replaced. Crackheads only get a say in their “co-stars” when they’re negotiating the fee for a room at The Chateau, access to a club, and/or drugs.

    Stupid Cracken.

  40. skuddles says:

    This is a girl who can’t be bothered to wash her greasy head for a red carpet event, yet she’s being allowed casting input on the Dick??

  41. Mich says:

    Those DM pictures are hysterical! The bra straps with the green dress just scream “glamor!”.

  42. Mew says:

    This kind of says “no” to all three but when Lindsay does that, she’s a crack head diva? Oh, ok.

    Lindsay is a crack head diva of course, but for me, any of these guys would be just fine. Hey, Harrison Ford acted just fine with cracked out Carrie Fisher and he still did ok. Of course, the movie was much more interesting too, so I give him that….

  43. Paul Frehley says:

    I said it on another board. She has set the wheels in motion to not go through with this project. We all know she really doesn’t want to work.

    Look at her SNL performance that proved her lack of talent and her Glee project that proved she has no real work ethic. All she wants is to be able to score her next fix. I can see the headline now ‘Lindsay out of Liz movie due to creative differences”

    You mark my words.

    • Neelyo says:

      So true. Whenever she’s spoken of getting back to work it’s always about missing being on set (in her trailer doing blow) or the premieres and parties, but never about the actual work. She must resent fame whores like Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian who don’t have to even pretend to work.

      • Paul Frehley says:

        I agree, but does she really even “work”. When you don’t go to most of the rehearsals show up HOURS late for your shoot and put in a sub par performance. Can that really be considered “work”

        And let’s not even bring up these so called “photo shoots” she does with Uncle terry.

        All that is is her being a whore and him taking pictures of it, hardly can be considered modeling.

    • Maguita says:

      @Paul, I believe you! It sure looks like she’s heading for another “creative difference”, and losing a paying acting job.

      No matter how hard she tries, she just keeps on shooting herself in the foot… Or would that be the wrist with Lilo?

  44. deep says:

    Clicked over and look at the pix of Lilo and it just made me LOL!! Who in this world thought Lilo could play Liz Taylor is beyond me. They need a young, beautiful actress with dark hair and a complexion like Liz to play Liz..HELLO! LiLo is none of the above. Except, she is young as far as her birth date goes. But, she ain’t young as far as the way she looks. Said before..say it again..LiLo is a classless, mentally ill drug addict that used to be a cute kid but now looks like a 50 year old used up hooker. Truth is truth!

  45. Kate says:

    I hope this TV movie happens. This is going to be so bad. I can’t wait. There’s no way I’m not watching.

    The Gossip Girl guy is cute. I don’t know why he wouldn’t suffice. She may think he looks too old, but she looks older than he does.

    My first thought when I heard she wanted to go to London was that she wants a free vacation.

    This is shaping up to be the trainwreck I hoped it would be. Thank you, Lifetime.

    • Lady D says:

      I believe it is a hop, skip, and a jump from London to France and the Cannes film festival. I believe she does some of her best work at Cannes.

      • OhMyMy says:

        Good point Lady D. Wouldn’t put it past her to try to scam her way into Cannes.

  46. deep says:

    made the mistake of looking at her face again and she is freaking me out. I must stop looking at her. She looks terrible..but the sad thing is that she thinks she looks good and is somehow relevant. Fried sooooo fried.

  47. Paul Frehley says:

    I have another theory.

    Suppose that Larry A. Thompson, the producer really hates Lindsay. He goes and cast her in this project knowing full well that she doesn’t have the talent or professionalism to pull it off.

    He knows that it’s going to be a complete disaster. So he’s setting her up knowing that this will be the final nail in her “acting career” and we will be rid of her forever.

    Sounds good to me.

  48. GirlyGirl says:

    Any producer that would hire Cokey McBlo-han deserves all the BS this talentless train wreck can dish out.

    Lifetime should pull the ripcord on this one. As with all blo-han disasters the pre press diva bs will far outshine the actual production

    Take a good look back at Lohan’s career, you find what I did, that she was never very talented at all.

  49. logan says:

    She was a cute little kid who could follow directions to a tee. Now, she is a somewhat, kind of, sort of grown up who couldn’t follow the directions out of a paper bag. Drugs do make you stupid……eventually!

  50. Candyland says:

    Did someone dip this bich in flour and get ready to fry her? Or did she sneeze all over the blow? Cauze otherwise I don’t get the Jean Nate whiteface.

    Maybe SamRo would make well a better Dick.

  51. fluffybunny says:

    Well of course, because casting a half decent lead would mean he was already better than she is.

  52. logan says:

    I have a Dick for her….Andy Dick. He would make her acting somewhat plausible.

  53. Newtsgal says:

    No Dick….***BANG***
    No Director….***BANG***
    Cracken trying to act…***BANG***
    (I don’t know if my head can take anymore bangin’ on the keyboard!)

  54. Snowpea says:

    Who let her out of the house with that FACE! And that greasy hair, full of extensions? Does she have any hair left….?

    Golly gosh, Lindsay Lohan, if you’re reading this, put down the crack pipe, move out of the den, rent a house somewhere far away in the countryside (my US geography isn’t very good…), get well, read lots of classics, plant a vege garden….

    …and come back in five years and you’ll be welcomed with open arms.

    If you DONT do this, you’ll more than likely be carried out of the Chateau in a box, just one more casualty of the Hollywood machine…

  55. im new says:

    I just don’t see how this film will ever be made. I feel bad for Lohan, her career is a joke now.

  56. im new says:

    Oh and someone said she shoots up in her wrists? Is that why she wears tons of bracelets, always it seems????

  57. Annie says:

    WTF? She should be extremely grateful that ANY of these good-looking halfway relevant actors auditioned for the part. Someone like say, The Situation or Pete Doherty would be more on her level. Her delusions of grandure really are breathtaking (and so is her face, for all the wrong reasons).

  58. Kreia says:

    Well, this is Lifetime, the same people who make shitty movies all of the time anyway. Might as well make another steaming pile by letting someone act like a diva, when her diva deserving days have been left in the past. What the hell, Lifetime, for enabling her whims?

  59. Jacq says:

    I nominate Criss Angel for the part. That would be magnificent.

    • Sugar says:

      yup & that Richard Burton line in who’s afraid of Virgina Wolfe “poof be gone” is perfect-double dog dare ya Criss

    • sarahtonin says:

      Only if he mindf*cks her by making her coke disappear.

  60. sarahtonin says:

    I know Lindsay thinks she needs a new picture and story out every day to stay relevant but she needs to STFU about all the problems with this project until it’s done if she wants us to take her seriously. Getting her mother or sister to take pics of how budget the costumes are to post online does nothing for her credibility. Nor does letting us know that they still can’t get a director or lead male and that they only have $200K (or whatever) to pay for them. I wouldn’t be showing up to events if I looked like shit either, just to get some column inches. Is this really the image she wants or is all publicity really good publicity?

  61. imabrat says:

    Wanna bet this is the excuse she’ll use for the movie being a flop? Of course it will be someones fault other than her own. What a pitiful excuse for a celebrity.

  62. lady_luck says:

    Sean Maguire would have been fine. Crackhead just wants somebody more high profile who she’s attracted to so she can *giggle* raise her own (in her head at least) and shag him silly..